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Mablethorpe Primary Academy


Class Teacher - Ms K Dixon

Welcome to the Whales class.

Happy New Year to you all and welcome back 😊  

This page will give you all the information you need about what is happening in our class, such as PE days, homework, trips, events and the areas that we will be learning about during the term. 

This term will be focused on the theme of our body, with an enquiry question: What do we know about the human body? Within Science, the children will be learning about the circulatory system, the functions of the heart, blood vessels, and the importance of and impact of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle on the way their body’s function (Animals including humans’ unit). They will be observing the dissection of an animal’s heart, as well as making real life blood! Within DT, the children will be designing and creating a blood bag. 

Continuing around the same theme, our English learning will include the text- ‘Illumanatomy’ which will further facts about our amazing bodies. This will enable the children to learn the skills to write persuasive and instructional texts within their writing.  Music will also support our theme, with a focus on body percussion and vocal sounds- Jazz/hip-hop. 

PE for Year 5/6 Whales will take place on a Wednesday and a Thursday. On a Tuesday for Term 3 we will be learning the skills of stomp dance and on a Thursday, we will be doing gymnastics.  Please do keep a look out for any updates and photographs of your children’s learning on our Facebook page. Please arrive at school in your academy PE kit (white T shirt, black joggers and a black jumper/school jumper) and leave earrings at home on both of those days. 

Homework will continue to be set weekly. Please keep reading every day (we have lots of books in the classroom for you to take home!) and earning lots of coins on TT rock stars! If you need reminders of any of your login details, please speak to Mrs Dixon.  We will continue to set weekly spellings again during Term 3.  

Thank you for your support and we are looking forward to another fabulous term. 

Mrs Dixon