Academy has strict guidelines on dress and all pupils are expected to wear the full Academy uniform. The wearing of our distinctive uniform gives pupils a sense of ‘belonging’, helps foster a pride in the Academy and stops pupils coming to the Academy in unsuitable clothes.
The Academy now has a new uniform supplier, Nationwide School Uniforms. Please click on the link below to go to their website and set up an account for any items you wish to order.
Jewellery is not allowed, except for one pair of ear studs. Earring hoops, rings, nail varnish and make up are not allowed. Electrical items, such as MP3 players and mobile phones are also not allowed in the Academy unless handed into the school office and will be confiscated if found. THE ACADEMY TAKES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR LOST OR STOLEN JEWELLERY OR ELECTRICAL ITEMS AS THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED IN THE ACADEMY.
Excessive hair styles are strongly discouraged and all pupils with long hair must have it tied back with either black/purple/white hair accessories with no decorations whilst on the Academy sites. Hair must not be streaked, tipped or dyed an unnatural colour. Boys with short hair are not allowed ‘cuts’ of any shape or design.
The uniform for Nursery, Reception and Years 1, 2, 3 and 4 comprises:
- Academy polo shirt with logo and collar stripes or plain white polo shirt
- Black trousers or skirt or pinafore dress or shorts (jeans and cords are not allowed and skirts are to be no shorter than knee length)
- Academy pullover or cardigan, in purple, with the Academy logo
- Black socks with trousers, black or white socks or black tights with skirts
- One Academy book bag
- One Academy PE bag (optional)
The Year 5 and 6 uniform comprises:
- Plain white school shirt (not polo shirts)
- Academy tie
- Suitable black trousers or skirt or pinafore dress (jeans and cords are not allowed and skirts are to be no shorter than knee length )
- Academy pullover or cardigan, in purple, with the Academy logo
- Black socks with trousers, white or black socks or black tights with skirts.
- One Academy book bag
- One Academy PE bag (optional)
PE Kit:
- Black shorts
- Plain white tee shirt
- Suitable black trainers or other PE footwear
- A one piece swimming costume (for girls)
- Above-the-knee swimming shorts (for boys)
- A plain black tracksuit may be worn in colder weather
- Please ensure your child has their kit in school at all times
Parents are asked to provide:
- Sensible flat black shoes, not trainers, or boots, (for winter only).
- Suitable black footwear for PE
- A warm coat (not denim) for travelling to and from the Academy
We expect all of our pupils to wear full Academy uniform. We aim to support any families who may have difficulty providing uniform needs for their child. Parents/Carers are encouraged to contact the Academy Office for further support.