Class Teacher -Mrs R Baxter
An Introduction to Tapestry for EYFS parents
Welcome to the Starfish class.
We hope you have all had a lovely half term break. As we move into Term 4, we will continue to update you about the activities we will be doing and information about special days and visitors.
This term out topic is Mechanical Minds! We will be listening to the traditional tale ‘The Three Little Pigs’ and learning about different houses and how they are constructed. The children will also learn about non-fiction books, as they explore wheels and forces. We will enjoy looking for signs of Spring, such as new buds, seeds beginning to grow and tadpoles.
In Maths, the children will be focussing on Number bonds to 10, which will be represented in a ten frame and in part-whole models, exploring subtraction, looking specifically at the number bonds to 10 and exploring patterns on numbers up to 10.
The children will be joining in with Careers Week beginning 3rd March and they will also be celebrating Shrove Tuesday and Easter.
Your child will need to come to school in their PE kit: t-shirt and black shorts/ tracksuit. Please make sure all items of clothing are clearly named and the school’s earring policy is followed. Starfish and Seahorses will have PE on Wednesday afternoon.
Spare clothes
Please leave a named bag on your child’s peg with a spare pair of underwear, socks and trousers or skirt in. Some spare clothing will be available at school, but this is extremely limited. Please return any clothing borrowed from school as soon as possible.
Please remember to bring your child homework bags to school daily.
Your child’s reading books can be changed on a Tuesday and Thursday, please sign and comment in their reading record to show that your child has read. New sounds will be added as the children learn them. They will also get to bring home a chosen book that your child has chosen to enjoy with you
The Reception Team