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Class Teacher -Mrs R Baxter 



An Introduction to Tapestry for EYFS parents


Welcome to the Starfish class.

We all hope you have had a fantastic summer.

Please find below general information for the weeks ahead, we will keep you updated about specific dates and events throughout the term.

This term we are excited to explore our topic ‘School’s Cool’. The children will explore their new learning areas and listen to stories about starting school, so that they can talk about the similarities and differences between them. They will explore different ways to make marks and begin to hold a pencil to write their name. The children will begin Read Write Inc (Phonics) and learn the set one sounds. In maths they will count and subitise numbers to 5, sing number songs and compare quantities up to 10. During Talk Time, we will encourage the children to talk about their families, how they have grown and celebrate what they can do now.

There will be plenty of time to have fun making new friends either inside or outside, whatever the weather! As the weather will start to change, please make sure your child brings in a coat and a jumper or cardigan, which need to be clearly named.


Your child will need to come to school in their PE kit: t-shirt and black shorts / tracksuit. Please make sure all items of clothing are clearly named and the school’s earring policy is followed. Your child’s PE days will change throughout the year. You will receive a text message each half term as to which days your child will be doing PE.

Spare Clothes

Please leave a named bag on your child’s peg with a spare pair of underwear, socks and trousers or skirt in. Some spare clothing will be available at school, but this is extremely limited. Please return any clothing borrowed from school as soon as possible.


Your child will not be able to bring in a toy into school as they could get lost or damaged. We hope you can understand our decision and make sure your child does not bring a toy to school. 


Your child will be given a reading folder which needs to be brought to school daily. Your child’s reading books can be changed on a Tuesday and Thursday, please sign and comment in their reading record to show that your child has read. New sounds will be added as the children learn them. They will also get to bring home a choosy book that your child has chosen to enjoy with you!

Keeping in touch

We use Tapestry to share some of your child’s learning and we welcome you sharing the exciting things your child does with you at home. A member of staff from either class is available at the beginning and end of school to pass messages on or arrange to speak with class teachers. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have.

 The Reception Team