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Mablethorpe Primary Academy



Class Teacher -Miss K Richardson


An Introduction to Tapestry for EYFS parents


Welcome to the Seahorses class.

We hope you have had a fantastic Christmas break and are ready for Term 3. Please find below general information for the weeks ahead; we will keep you updated about specific dates and events throughout the term.

This term we are excited to explore our topic ‘Sensational Senses!’ The children will be learning about the five senses through the different themes: Healthy Me, Winter, Chinese New Year and the story Handa’s Surprise. There will be lots of hands, ears, eyes, noses and mouth experiences. The children will continue to blend sounds using the set one sounds that they have learnt during Read Write Inc (Phonics) and begin to write simple sentences. In Power Maths, the children will be learning about numbers to 10, addition to 10 and number bonds to 10. They will learn about weight, length, height and distance, how to compare two or more items and will also begin to use non-standard measures.


This term PE will be on a Wednesday, please make sure that your child comes to school in their PE kits. Your child will need to come to school in their PE kit: t-shirt and black shorts/ tracksuit. Please make sure all items of clothing are clearly named and that you check the earring guidance.

Spare Clothes

Please leave a named bag on your child’s peg with a spare pair of underwear, socks and trousers or skirt in. Some spare clothing will be available at school, but this is extremely limited. Please return any clothing borrowed from school as soon as possible.

Keeping Warm

As the weather will be colder this term, you may wish to send your child to school with a named hat, a pair of gloves and a scarf. The children will be asked to put them in their tray so they can find them easily.


Please remember to bring your child’s homework bags to school daily.

Your child’s reading books will be changed on a Tuesday and Thursday, please sign and comment in their reading record to show that your child has read. They will also get to bring home a chosen book that your child has chosen to enjoy with you.

The Reception Team