Physical Education
Subject Coordinator - Mrs L Hastings
My aim as PE lead is to foster the love and enthusiasm that I have always had for PE to the pupils at Mablethorpe Primary Academy. We ensure that PE is fun, engaging and makes children feel confident and happy!
Our aims in PE are to keep physically active for sustained time periods and to build upon our children’s natural enthusiasm for movement where they can explore mentally and physically to solve problems independently and within a team. PE is a such a popular lesson and the children enjoy the fun opportunities and competitions; the pupil voice comments on our website explain some of the reasons why PE is important, how it makes the children feel and how they know they have been successful.
Being active, through PE and sports clubs allows the children to work together, showing perseverance, resilience and determination and the children can feel proud of their achievements. Positive attitudes and towards physical activity allows opportunities for evaluation, fair play, good communication and team-work which are excellent life skills.
Our PE curriculum encourages children to develop skills in different areas:
· Physical: to acquire, select and develop competency of skills within a wide range of activities such as gymnastics, dance, games, OAA, athletics and swimming.
· Personal: to be reflective learners who develop self-confidence, resilience, evaluate and improve performances
· Cognitive: applying skills and tactics, problem solving, developing physical and mental capacity
· Health: knowing and understanding that being active leads to happy, healthy lifestyles
Daily Mile will continue because it allows children to exercise whilst having some social time with friends; this is brilliant for mental health, well-being and increasing concentration levels. There are opportunities for all ages ranges to join in with after school sports clubs which are advertised termly and are always extremely popular! Y5 and Y6 Young Leaders are trained to work alongside staff to promote fun physical activities at lunch times.
Promoting health, fitness and physical activity helps children make active lifestyle choices which will hopefully continue beyond school years and could even lead children to pursue career choices through sport.
Our talented Y5/6 team showed resilience, determination and positivity at the GAT athletics competition!
Our Y5/6 handball team played brilliantly together at a recent tournament winning 7 games out of 7, to finish top of the league! Congratulations to both teams for showing great determination and fantastic team work!
Great resilience and superb team work has been shown during PE and football matches!
Our Play Leaders are enthusiastic about playing games with the children at lunchtime!
Year 3 and 4 have been working brilliantly to develop their skills and tactics for dodgeball
Subject Intent Statements:
Physical Education
Our physical education curriculum inspires everyone to be healthy, active, to develop physical skills and engage competitively and fairly. Pupils will be given opportunities to gain knowledge and experience a range of sporting activities that support them to have a healthy lifestyle. As children progress through the curriculum, they will be able to compete and be successful in PE and sport; such life skills will embed values such as co-operation, fairness, motivation and respect.
Physical Education for our children
PE makes me healthy, happy and confident.
To view our Sports Premium Offer please follow:
Pupil Voice 2023-2024
What do you like about PE?
It makes me feel happy!
We work together in teams to become better!
My heart rate increases during PE and Daily Mile!
PE makes me strong and gives me energy!
I love learning the different sports!
Team work is the best!
PE is my favourite lesson!
We share and take turns!
Swimming is fun and it’s also brilliant exercise!
I love dancing and gymnastics!
I like helping with the equipment.
PE is important because it helps us to be healthy, happy, confident and safe!
I feel excited and confident in PE!
How do you know you have been successful in PE?
We get Star Boy or Star Girl every lesson and this is displayed in my classroom!
I feel I have got better so I'm proud of myself!
We collect point for our House!
I show my partner how I can throw and catch so well!
We tell each other what we've done well!
We discuss what we have learnt and what we will do next!
We talk to our partner or team!
My teacher tells me how good I am!
We get dojo points and house points!
We know when we have improved because we perform better as a group!
What do you enjoy about team work?
I like PE because I like partner work
It’s always fun to work as a team!
I make new friends when I work with people that I might not normally work with !
Team work helps us to perform better and succeed!
We can evaluate and talk about or strengths and improvements to make.
Why is it important to learn about PE at school?
My gives us energy and makes us feel motivated!
We know how to play lots of different sports and how to use tactics!
Many jobs involve sport so it’s good to develop skills for the future
We always try our best and learn new skills.
I can throw the javelin further because I practised at after school club
I feel good about myself when I do well.
We learn how to be a good team-mate and support each other!
We know that exercise is important to keep healthy and stay fit
PE helps us to feel strong and healthy!
I can jump higher and further now because I have practised a lot!
Do you get your heart rate up or get out of breath in PE?
I always out get of breath in PE which is good!
Dance After School Club gets me out of breath!
During daily mile and lunch time club, I get out of breath!
I feel out of breath every PE lesson.
PE is fun and we drink a lot of water because we run and keep busy!
Daily Mile is fun because we get exercise and talk to friends so we’re ready to learn afterwards!
I love Sports Club after school; we always play our favourite games!
Why do you enjoy competition in PE?
Yes, we try to run faster and change the baton quickly!
I got Star Boy last week because I answered the questions correctly in PE
We try to beat our scores when we work in pairs.
Competition is exciting and we go with our friends on the bus to other schools
We won 7/7 games at football – our team was so happy!
We do mini competitions every lesson so we know how well we are doing.
I was the star girl because I put in so much effort with my fielding skills!
ASC Clubs Term 1
Monday Cricket ASC Y3/4 (3.15-4.15pm) Justin Owen & Mr Walton
Wednesday Games ASC Y5/6 (3.15-4.15pm) JB Sports & Mr Walton
Friday Dance ASC Y1/2 (3.15-4.15pm) Donna