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Mablethorpe Primary Academy

Learning Beyond the Classroom

Subject Coordinator- Miss K Dixon

Hello, my name is Mrs Dixon, and I am very excited to be the new lead of Learning Beyond the Classroom. I am passionate about children being able to learn and experience their academic development further than the four walls of the classroom. I believe that learning beyond the classroom brings an extra element to the children’s learning in which they thrive. Teaching and learning that takes place beyond the classroom has a range of benefits for both the pupil and teacher. When children are asked to use what we have taught in the classroom and put into practice outside the classroom, the result is a  student centric learning, which enhances and enriches the students personal and social development. Children that engage in learning beyond the classroom report having higher levels of motivation, recall the course material more vividly, and have improved academic performance in the class (Takeuchi et al., 2016; Ryan and Deci, 2017).

Learning Beyond the Classroom is different to Outdoor Learning.  Outdoor learning Involves being in or connected with the outdoors and has the outdoors as a central part of the experience, whereas Learning Beyond the Classroom involves “the use of places other than the classroom for teaching and learning. It is about getting children and young people out and about, providing them with challenging, exciting and different experiences to help them learn.” (LOtC, 2011). Learning Outside the Classroom examples at Mablethorpe Primary Academy include activities in the school grounds, visits to farms, museums and places of worship in the local area, as well as longer trips further afield. 

We have currently achieved our Silver Award with the Council for Learning Beyond the Classroom and I am excited to work with staff and children to continue to develop  learning beyond the classroom experiences  which will not only engage  pupils while supporting them to aim high and achieve more, but also improve their overall health and wellbeing. 


“I hear and I forget

I see and I remember

I do and I understand”

Confucius (551 – 479 B.C.)


Learning Beyond the Classroom

Our shared vision of The Mablethorpe Child is at the heart of everything we do. These characteristics will include skills and knowledge, vocabulary, aspirations, resilience, experience, self-esteem. As part of this vision, we have included Learning Beyond the Classroom provision within our curriculum so that children have hands on experiences through which they develop their understanding and application of successful learning skills. 

It is our aim that Learning Beyond the Classroom will uphold the high standards and expectations that our school sets for its pupils in order to increase their life skills and experiences throughout their primary school education. The primary aims of this curriculum will be:  



  • To empower children to take ownership of their learning, allowing their minds and bodies to thrive 
  • To encourage children to develop the skills to solve problems in real world contexts, developing resilient and reflective learners. 
  • To develop skills of communication, cooperation and collaborative learning.  
  • To provide a challenging, safe and secure environment within which children can take and manage risks.  
  • To encourage close links with parents and the school in celebrating our outdoor space and the rich learning that can take place within it.  
  • To encourage children to care for their environment  
  • To provide positive opportunities for active learning.  
  •  To ensure that Learning Beyond the Classroom has maximum impact on learners' achievement, personal development and well-being. 
Subject Intent Statements:
Outdoor learning

To explore and engage with the local area and beyond and link learning to other areas of the curriculum by encouraging curiosity and stewardship of the physical, natural and global environment.

Outdoor learning for our children

Learning Beyond the Classroom helps me to engage, learn and look after the world around me.