Class Teacher - Mrs J Askew
Hello boys and girls!
Welcome to our Nursery at Mablethorpe Primary Academy!
We hope you all had a lovely Christmas and wish you all a happy new year! It is going to be an exciting New Year in Nursery!
Our topic this term is Robots!
We will be reading Robot stories, making robots using playdough and junk modelling materials!
We will also be starting PE on Monday mornings so please send your child to school wearing PE shoes and can all children wear joggers or leggings on this day please!
We will also be learning about Chinese New Year and we will be having a Chinese New Year Join In on Friday 14th February 9-11 am with all our parents/carers!
We look forward to seeing you all there!
Any questions please ask!
Thank you,
Mrs Askew and Miss Jeffcoat.