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Mablethorpe Primary Academy


Subject Coordinator - Mrs K Sanghvi

I have always had a keen interest in History since I was little. One of my favourite childhood memories was regularly visiting the local museums where we lived and learning about the ways people lived in the past through looking at artefacts, photographs and letters.

As History coordinator, I want the same experiences for our pupils. Exploring History ‘hands on’ impacts children through their senses in a tangible way and as a more permanent reminder of the topic taught. As well as learning ‘about’ History, our History curriculum focuses on pupils acquiring skills to help them ‘think like historians.’ At Mablethorpe Primary Academy, we have an enquiry- led approach to the Historical themes studied which are driven by an in-depth question for children to investigate. Children use their skills of chronology to find out where the theme fits in World History and are encouraged to ask and answer their own questions during the enquiry. Pupils also develop skills of interpretation as they describe, analyse, evaluate, and create an explanation of past events. Pupils organise and communicate their findings of the enquiry question through writing, drawing, drama, role-play and art- work.

I am looking forward to working with our staff and pupils to continue to increase and develop their historical skills, concepts, knowledge and attitudes of the past as well as continuing to develop and use their skills in enquiry, analysis, evaluation, and argument. Our aim is to excite children by arousing their curiosity to learn about the past through developing their skills to think like historians and apply how they can shape the world we live in today.


Subject Intent Statements:

To excite children to learn about the past through developing their skills as historians and apply how they can shape the world we live in today.

History for our children

I am learning about the past to make a better future. 


Helpful History Links for parents and pupils

Quizzes and games - English Heritage.

Lincoln Castle

History facts for Kids