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Mablethorpe Primary Academy


Class Teacher - Miss S Nichols

Welcome to the Dolphins class.

Hello and welcome to Year 6 Dolphins class. This page will give you all the information you need about what is happening in our class, such as PE days, homework, trips, events and the areas that we will be learning about during the term. We look forward to welcoming your child into their new year group. We have a very exciting first term ahead!

In history, we will be starting a new topic learning all about the fascinating Tudor Monarch, Richard III and the War of the Roses. The children’s learning in Term 1 will focus on gathering evidence across the curriculum subjects in order to answer an enquiry question of- Was Richard III a hero or a villain? Our geography lessons will link to this as we will be identifying and concluding whether the physical features of Bosworth field led to Richard III defeat. Our English leaning will include the narrative Richard III and the children will be learning the skills of writing a newspaper/police report, detailed character descriptions and a diary entry. In Art, the children will be observing Tudor portraits and how the rose was a symbol of the House and in music the children will be learning Tudor music drumming techniques!

In science, we will be covering the Electricity unit of associating the brightness of a lamp or the volume of a buzzer with the number and voltage of cells used in the circuit, we will also be comparing and giving reasons for variations in how components function, including the brightness of bulbs, the loudness of buzzers and the on/off position of switches and finally we will be using recognised symbols when representing a simple circuit in a diagram. The children will be working scientifically through a range of disciplinary skills and exploring different types of scientific enquiries. Please see our overview document for more details about what we will be learning in all of our curriculum subjects.

PE for Year 6 Dolphins will take place on a Monday and a Tuesday. On a Monday for Term 1 we are very lucky to be having a cricket coach come into school to teach the children cricket skills and on a Tuesday, we are excited to be using the new Magna Vieta centre for our swimming lessons. A letter will be sent home and will be uploaded to our website for all details of what will be needed. Please come to school in your PE kit and leave earrings at home on both of those days.

Homework will continue to be set weekly. Please keep reading every day (we have lots of books in the classroom for you to take home!) and earning lots of coins on TT rock stars will continue also! If you need reminders of any of your login details, please speak to Miss Nichols or Mrs James. We will also be setting weekly spellings for your child to learn during Term 1, these will include synonyms and definitions too.

We hope you have all had a very restful and happy summer break and we are looking forward to a very exciting first term with you all.

Take care,

Miss Nichols and Mrs James