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Mablethorpe Primary Academy


Class Teacher - Mrs L Horan



Welcome to the Angelfish class.

Welcome to term 3 Angelfish!

We have lots of exciting learning around our enquiry question this term across all the subjects.  PE this term will be on a Monday and Thursday so please remember to come in your PE kit and wearing trainers.  Reading books will be changed each week on a Wednesday so please make sure that reading packs are returned so your child’s book can be changed weekly.  If you can write in your child’s reading diary then we can keep record of how many times a child is reading at home and after certain milestones they will receive a special bookmark/certificate.  This term our enquiry question is What will we see at night? and in our English story the main character is Plop the owl.  In science we will be exploring and answering scientific questions about which groups animals belong to.  In geography we will be exploring the United Kingdom and its countries and their capital cities.  We will explore weather patterns in the United Kingdom and how the equator impacts on the weather in other countries whilst also considering human and physical features.  In DT our project will require us to design, make and evaluate a bird house and this will link to owls being nocturnal.  We are really looking forward to another term of learning and to the new year ahead. 

Angelfish team